next centruy ride. Rich Corinthian leather!!
Haven't been on the bike since Tuesday and my bike is in the shop getting some upgraded components and a much overdue tune up. a mere 425 bucks later it should be a smooth riding machine. -->picked the bike up and man does it shift smooth and I love the new brakes, the extra gearing (went from 8spd to a 10) and upgraded so I am now running a DA/105 mix.
The next race is the Balterra Hill Circuit race in Austin, TX and it looks like a great little circuit. 1.8m loop with a 15.1% incline which is only about a 200ft climb but it's also only about .25 miles long. Should be a good pack splitter so I'm going to work on intervals for the next couple of weeks as there should be a lot of gaps to bridge and definitely some surges to try to stay with the pack.